Chautauqua Region Community Foundation

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Space Camp Scholarship Application Opens October 1, 2024

Dakota Collins proudly displays her official graduation certificate from Space Camp.

The Chautauqua Region Community Foundation will begin accepting scholarship applications for Chautauqua County residents interested in taking a course at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala.

The Lucile M. Wright Air Museum Scholarship is awarded to local residents, fourth grade and older, who have an interest in space travel, aeronautics and science. This year’s recipient will receive a scholarship to cover the full tuition of one week of courses that can be used in 2025 or 2026.

The Space Camp program, which has been helping inspire the next generation of explorers for more than 42 years, is internationally known for its more than one million alumni and programs based on real NASA astronaut training focusing on teamwork and leadership skills. Launched in 1982, Space Camp has inspired and motivated young people from around the country, and later the world, with attendees from all 50 states, U.S. territories, and 150 foreign countries.

Available courses at the center include: Space Camp, an educational experience combining real-world applications of science, technology, engineering and mathematics; Aviation Challenge, a five-day aviation themed adventure that combines critical thinking, teamwork and leadership training; Space Camp Robotics, an opportunity to use robotic technologies to create engineering solutions for real world problems; and most recently, U.S. Cyber Camp, which teaching the ethics and responsibilities of data security for safeguarding networks and the challenge of an expanding internet of things.

Dakota Collins attended Space Camp in August of 2024. “It was the experience of a lifetime and was made possible with your support.” She noted, later adding, “This experience made me want to become a bioengineer instead of a rocket scientist, because I want to help figure out how to live on other planets like Mars. Yes, I can go to space as a bioengineer.”

“We have this unique opportunity available through the generosity of the current and past members of the Lucile M. Wright Air Museum Board of Directors, who established this scholarship,” shared Tory Irgang, Executive Director. “Those who attend always have a wonderful time and it can directly impact future career pursuits.”

Applications are available by visiting For additional information or questions, please send an email to or contact the CRCF scholarship staff, at 716-661-3390.

The Chautauqua Region Community Foundation administers over 700 endowments in support of emerging community needs, charitable organizations and local students pursuing higher education. For more information visit or contact Lisa Lynde, Donor Services Officer at 716-661-3390 or